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Title: Molecular characterization of anthocyanin transporters in colored wheat and their role under nutrient stress
Researcher: Satveer Kaur
Guide(s): Garg, Monika
Keywords: ABCC gene
Colored wheat
GSTs gene
MATE gene
Phosphate deficiency
University: Panjab University
Completed Date: 2023
Abstract: In this study, we combined transcriptome and qRT-PCR approaches to screen out key genes involved in anthocyanin transportation. Detailed in-silico analyses were carried out on phylogenetic relationships, gene structures, motifs, cis-acting elements, chromosomal locations, collinearity, and expression patterns of these gene families. We also used the qRT-PCR method to validate the expression of these genes at different developmental stages of wheat. Our results suggest that TaABCC25, TaMATE42, TaMATE118, TaGST194 and TaGST155 might play roles in anthocyanin transportation in colored wheat, but the specific molecular function and regulation mechanism still need to be verified by further study. To decipher the role of these anthocyanin transporters and their related genes under nutrient stress, we planned our subsequent study to determine the effect of Pi deficiency on these colored wheat genotypes. Anthocyanin accumulation is one such strategy that may confer tolerance in plants under stress situations. We compared the morphological, physiological and biochemical responses of colored wheat varieties to white wheat. Adaptive responses of different colored wheat genotypes compared to white wheat under phosphate stress were observed at the seedling and mature grain stages. Analysis of morphological, physiological and biochemical observations demonstrated that colored wheat might be a suitable system for studying the effects of Pi-deficiency on anthocyanin accumulation, plant growth, CO2 assimilation, Pi uptake, transport and mineral accumulation. Our study demonstrated that black wheat showed an aggravated response to Pi deficiency with a high fold accumulation of anthocyanins and expression of molecular components. Overall, the present study has provided information about the role of accumulation of anthocyanins such as cyanidin, peonidin and delphinidin derivatives in colored wheat under Pi deficiency that may help in generating Pi deficiency tolerant wheat genotypes. newline
Pagination: xvi, 113p.
Appears in Departments:Department of Biotechnology

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