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Title: NonOrthogonal Multiple Access Techniques for Cooperative Communication in Power Line Networks
Researcher: Roopesh, R.
Guide(s): Sanjeev, G.
Keywords: Engineering
Engineering and Technology
Engineering Electrical and Electronic
University: PES University
Completed Date: 2023
Abstract: Power line communication (PLC) is a well-studied technology, whose properties and performances newlinehave been characterized and tested in many different scenarios across a variety newlineof use-cases. The key challenges in a PLC channel for data transmission include receiver newlinenoise, electromagnetic interference and multipath fading, which have detrimental effects on newlinethe communication performance. To combat these challenges, orthogonal frequency division newlinemultiplexing, multiple-input multiple-output, non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) and newlinecooperative communication techniques have been proposed and studied as promising candidates newlinefor providing reliable and guaranteed quality-of-service and coverage for last mile newlineconnectivity. In order to achieve higher spectral efficiency and potential energy savings, newlineNOMA-based cooperative relaying schemes have been adopted recently. newline
Pagination: xvii, 172
Appears in Departments:Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering

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