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dc.coverage.spatialSpecial Education
dc.description.abstractAutism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a condition that impacts brain development leading to problems in perception, socialization and communication. In the current study the investigator used Quasi-Experimental method, has selected school going children of 3 to 10 years of age with ASD in Tiruppur district, Tamil Nadu. The sample size consisted of 50 of which 23 children were identified from Inclusive and 27 from Special schools with Mild to Moderate degree of disability based on Stratified Random sampling method. As there was no Standardized Tamil Tool developed to assess the Spoken Tamil Language Ability of Children with ASD, the investigator developed the Tool: Spoken Tamil Assessment Tool for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (STAT-ASD) and has processed into a booklet, objective in nature with 30 test items each spread over three stages of assessment. newlineThe investigator took demographic variables as Independent variables, Identification and Expressive Language of Single word (Stage I), Expressive Language in Two word sentence (Stage II), Expressive Language with Three word sentence (Stage III) as Testing Variables and PEsum SIthiram (PESI) Application as the Experimental Variable. The study is aimed at enhancing the Spoken Tamil Language Ability of Children with ASD through a specially developed PESI Application by the investigator based on the following three theoretical frameworks Viz.- Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS), VARK Model and Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA). This App included three identified concepts Viz. Relationships, Objects and Action words in Tamil. The teachers and parents were trained by the investigator in using the App for the intervention in natural settings either at school or in the home for a period of 15 months starting with a single word concept to the formulation of sentences verbally. Using all the three concepts,1,83,750 sentences can be made. After intervention, 60 percent of the Children with ASD were good in their Expressive Language and Communication skills,
dc.format.extent172 p.
dc.titleEnhancing Spoken Tamil Language Ability in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder Using PEsum SIthiram PESI Application
dc.title.alternativeAugmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) Method in Tamil for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
dc.creator.researcherManjula K
dc.subject.keywordSocial Sciences
dc.subject.keywordSocial Sciences General
dc.subject.keywordEducation Special
dc.description.noteTamil AAC method for Autism
dc.contributor.guideGeetha T
dc.publisher.universityAvinashilingam Institute for Home Science and Higher Education for Women
dc.publisher.institutionDepartment of Special Education
dc.format.dimensions210 mm x 290 mm
Appears in Departments:Department of Special Education

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