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dc.coverage.spatialApplication of non traditional Optimisation technique and kriging Methodology based surrogate model For airfoil design optimisationen_US
dc.description.abstractNowadays engineering analysis relies heavily on computer based newlinesolution algorithms to investigate the performance of an engineering system newlineComputational fluid dynamics CFD is one of the computer based solution newlinemethods which are more widely employed in aerospace engineering The newlinecomputational power and time required to carry out the analysis increases as newlinethe fidelity of the analysis increases Aerodynamic shape optimisation has newlinebecome a vital part of aircraft design in recent years Since the aerodynamic newlineshape optimisation ASO process with CFD solution algorithms requires a newlinehuge amount of computational power there is always some reluctance among newlinethe aircraft researchers in employing the ASO approach at the initial stages of newlinethe aircraft design In order to alleviate this problem statistical approximation newlinemodels are constructed for actual CFD algorithms The fidelity of these newlineapproximation models are merely based on the fidelity of data used to newlineconstruct these models Hence it becomes indispensable to spend more newlinecomputational power in order to convene more data which are further used for newlineconstructing the approximation models newlineIn this work a Computational Fluid Dynamics optimisation newlinestrategy based surrogate model newline newlineen_US
dc.format.extentxix, 154p.en_US
dc.titleApplication of non traditional Optimisation technique and kriging Methodology based surrogate model For airfoil design optimisationen_US
dc.creator.researcherMukesh Ren_US
dc.subject.keywordAerodynamic shape optimisationen_US
dc.subject.keywordComputational fluid dynamicsen_US
dc.description.noteappendix p138-142, reference p143-153.en_US
dc.contributor.guideLingadurai Ken_US
dc.publisher.universityAnna Universityen_US
dc.publisher.institutionFaculty of Mechanical Engineeringen_US,en_US
Appears in Departments:Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

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