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Title: Design and analysis of cpw fed planar antenna For ultra wide band applications
Researcher: Prasad, Pratyancha
Guide(s): Kumar, Akhilesh
Keywords: Engineering
Engineering and Technology
Engineering Electrical and Electronic
University: National Institute of Technology Jamshedpur
Completed Date: 2024
Abstract: t newlineWide-band wireless systems find extensive use due to their high spatial and temporal newlineresolution. Some of these applications include communication over short distances at newlinehigh data rates and at a low cost. Other applications like radar communication systems, newlineconsumer electronics, wireless personal area networks, localization, and medical newlineapplications. In wide-band systems, the function of the antenna is just as important as it newlineis in more traditional forms of wireless communication. On the other hand, when newlineconstructing an antenna to function over an ultra-wideband and beyond, there are extra newlineobstacles to consider. The UWB systems standard, which is sanctioned by the Federal newlineCommunication Commission (FCC) and employ from 3.1frequency range from GHz to newline10.6 GHz, has found to be very interesting by both the academic groups as well as the newlinebusiness world in recent years. The problems involved in building a suitable antenna are newlinesignificant, but full utilization of this spectrum requires it. In antenna designing, it s newlinehighly important to strive for a large bandwidth, stable radiation patterns across the newlinespectrum, a small size, and a lower production cost. Additional to these qualities listed newlineabove, there may also be a need for a gain variation across the bandwidth. For such UWB newlineapplications, several different compact planar monopole antenna geometries have been newlineresearched and developed. The majority of these planar antennas have a substantial gain newlinefluctuation (ranging from 1 dBi to 5 dBi) at low valued operating frequencies (3 GHz to newline6 GHz), but after that, the gain decreases at higher frequency. Certain slot antennas, on newlinethe other hand, have an average gain of 2 dBi to 4 dBi, with little variation in gain across newlinethe entire antenna-bandwidth. As a result, achieving the required gain flatness across the newlinewhole UWB and beyond will be a substantial task. newline
Pagination: 181
Appears in Departments:Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering

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