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Title: Design and Analysis of Hybrid Circuits Using Pseudo Memristive Effect
Researcher: Kapila, Shikha
Guide(s): Khanna,Vandana, Shukla, Neeraj Kumar and DasB.K.
Keywords: Engineering
Engineering and Technology
Engineering Electrical and Electronic
University: The Northcap University
Completed Date: 2023
Abstract: The Thesis Design and Analysis of Hybrid Circuits using Pseudo - Memristive Effect is the idea of developing analog Memristor Transistor circuits that could improve the circuit s performance without resizing transistors. In this work, Analog circuits with existing Memristor models have been designed and analyzed. The analysis brings to light that the existing memristor models work well for the Digital domain but pose certain limitations when used for Analog circuit design. To overcome these limitations, the concept of the Pseudo-Memristive effect has been proposed. The system demonstrating this effect has been called Pseudo- Memristive System. The proposed system was simulated and implemented in the laboratory. Furthermore, the proposed system can be used for implementing a Programmable Amplifier circuit. In this work, the programmable gain is obtained by using different Pseudo-Memristive States in contrast to the amplifier designed using Memristor working for limited values using Resistive Switching Mechanism. newlineThe proposed system has also been used for implementing hardware neuron using a Pseudo- Memristive Synapse. In the designed circuit, weight updation has been obtained by modifying the Pseudo-Memristive State. The advantage of using a Pseudo-Memristive System was that numerous Pseudo-Memristive states could be exploited, which could be further used to establish learning in Neural Networks. The Pseudo-Memristive System has been implemented in MATLAB and used for image processing applications such as Image Steganography and Image Watermarking. newline newline newline newline
Pagination: xx;82p.
Appears in Departments:Department of EECE

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