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dc.coverage.spatialInvestigations on performance improvement techniques for 5g new radio standards
dc.description.abstract5G is the next generation of mobile communications technology and is newlinebeing designed to provide (in comparison with 4G) greater capacity and offer newlinevery low latency and very high reliability, enabling innovative new services newlineacross different industry sectors. The 5G New Radio (NR) is the proposed newlinestandard for 5G, which plays a major role in several applications such as IoT newline(Internet of Things), Augmented Reality and other mission critical newlineapplications. 5G operates at low band (below 1GHz), mid band (below 6 newlineGHz) and high band (above 24 GHz). 5G system not only connects people, it newlinealso interconnect machines, objects, cars, people and animals. To achieve the newlinerequirements of 5G, very large volume of spectrum is essential. To realize the newlineperformance target of 5G, Spectrum sharing becomes important and in newlinespectrum sharing, due to the absence of coordination among the secondary newlineusers, more than one of them may use the Common Underutilized Shared newlineSpectrum (CUSS) when they request for access which create interference newlineamong the secondary users (SU). This problem of interference among newlinesecondary users is referred to as mutual exclusion in spectrum sharing newlinenetwork. This leads to the need for creating a spectrum sharing method that is newlinesafe and fair. The 5G New Radio (NR) standards plays a major role in several newlineapplications and hence requires a large volume of spectrum for its proper newlineutilization, which is not possible due to regulatory constraints. The existing newlinespectrum sharing methods do not address mutual exclusion. This problem can newlinebe resolved by an optimum spectrum sharing algorithm. Analytic Hierarchy process (AHP) is implemented and verified for sharing the spectrum in effective manner to avoid mutual exclusion problem among secondary users. AHP is a multilevel hierarchical structured consisting of objective, criteria and alternatives which is used for finding a solution for newlinethe complex problem. In AHP, the main objective is to select one alternative newlinefrom many. For this purpose different criteria are considered. For Spectrum newlinesharing initially three secondary users with three criteria is considered for newlineimplementation of AHP. All the 3 criteria are rated according to their newlinepreference over the other. After computation, Secondary Users (SU) with the newlinehighest priority vector is assigned the CUSS. Then three secondary users newline(SU1, SU2, SU3) and 5 criteria namely Mobility, Signal to Noise Ratio newline(SNR), Spectrum utilization, Data rate, Bandwidth are considered for newlinecontention of CUSS. The number of criteria is increased from five to seven, newlinekeeping the number of secondary users as three, the computation is done newline newline
dc.titleInvestigations on performance improvement techniques for 5g new radio standards
dc.creator.researcherSaravanan, M
dc.subject.keywordEngineering and Technology
dc.subject.keywordEngineering Electronics
dc.contributor.guideKalidoss, R
dc.publisher.universityAnna University
dc.publisher.institutionFaculty of Information and Communication Engineering
Appears in Departments:Faculty of Information and Communication Engineering

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