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Title: Development of islanding event detection algorithms In microgrid environment
Researcher: Kumar, Munna
Guide(s): Kumar, jitrendra
Keywords: Engineering
Engineering and Technology
Engineering Electrical and Electronic
University: National Institute of Technology Jamshedpur
Completed Date: 2023
Abstract: A microgrid fulfills the energy demands using renewable energy-based newlinedistributed generations (DGs) with grid integration. Microgrid mainly operates in newlineislanding and non-islanding modes of operation. The changeover between these modes newlinecan result in significant generation and load mismatches, which can negatively impact newlineon system voltage and frequency and add complexity to the control system. There are newlinemajor issues such as, islanding detection time, power degradation, high non-detection newlinezone (NDZ), harmonic injection, and false tripping when system is in islanding mode. newlineKeeping above problem in mind, in this thesis, some islanding detection techniques are newlineproposed, which have low NDZ, less islanding detection time, and no-power newlinedegradation issues. newline
Pagination: 172
Appears in Departments:Department Of Electrical Engineering

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