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Title: Green synthesis of carbon nanodots and its theranostic and Bio Sensing applications
Researcher: Somedutta Maity.
Guide(s): Pradip Paik and Ghanshyam Krishna, M
Keywords: Engineering and Technology
Material Science
Materials Science Biomaterials
University: University of Hyderabad
Completed Date: 2023
Abstract: ABSTRACT newlineEvery year, an estimated 14.1 million cancer cases are diagnosed worldwide, with this figure newlineexpected to rise to 24 million by 2035. Cancer is a major cause of mortality globally, accounting newlinefor roughly 10 million fatalities in 2020, with breast cancer accounting for 2.26 million cases and newlinelung cancer accounting for 2.21 million cases. Breast cancer is the most common cancer in the newlineUK, with 50,000 new cases diagnosed each year. Because most present anticancer therapies have newlinelimits and adverse effects, there is an urgent need to create novel anticancer medicines. newlineNanotechnology has made significant progress in various areas of cancer treatment, including in newlinevitro diagnostics, imaging, and therapy. The first generation of novel nanomaterials (NMS) as newlineanticancer drugs has effectively reached widespread usage. MDA-MB-231, an estrogen receptornegative newlineand highly invasive breast cancer cell line, and MCF-7, an estrogen receptor-positive newlineand non-metastatic cell line, were employed. The intracellular uptake of the carbon nano sample newlinewas studied and compared using several correlative microscopy methods such as transmission newlineelectron microscopy (TEM), confocal microscopy, and scanning electron microscopy (SEM), newlineamong others. Cell death exhibited necrosis and apoptosis characteristics, as well as newlinemitochondrial structural alterations. newlinePART I: Synthesis of seed-derived carbon nanocapsules cell imaging, depolarization of newlinemitochondrial membrane potential and dose-dependent control death of breast Cancer. newlineIn this part, a series of mesoporous carbon nanocapsules (mCNS) of size below 10 nm have been newlineprepared from Azadirachta indica seeds with a very easy and cost-effective approach. These newlinenanocapsules can emit red and green light and are effective for cell imaging. Further, these newlinecarbon nanocapsules are biocompatible with normal healthy cells, however, they possess modest newlinecytotoxicity against the MCF-7 (human breast cancer) and MDA- MB-231 (triple-negative newlineAbstract newlineUniversity of H
Pagination: 148p
Appears in Departments:School of Engineering Sciences & Technology

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