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dc.description.abstractMemristor is a promising candidate for neuromorphic computing based on artificial newlinesynapses and neurons, due to its high-speed switching, strong scalability, high comput- newlineing, memory storage system and low power consumption. However, the fabrication cost newlineof the physical memristor is very high. In order to continue research in this field, it is newlinenecessary to design circuit-based memristors with available low-cost electronic com- newlineponents. Extensive research demonstrated that a memristor can be used as a memory newlinestorage system. The memory effect on the hysteresis lobe area of a physical T iO2 mem- newlineristive model is studied. The Green s theorem is used to derive the novel general formula newlinefor the area of hysteresis lobe of HP memristor model. The relation of memory with newlinethe lobe area and memristance are also established respectively. Memristive devices are newlineintensively studied for data storage and logic applications. Memory retention depends newlineon switching speed of such resistive switching devices. Therefore, this is essential to newlinestudy physical memristors switching characteristics and memristive behaviors. Here, newlinea complete new analytical technique has adopted on numerical model of the memristor newlineof P t/T aOx/T a physical memristor. Several MATLAB simulations are done based on newlinemathematical models to validate the physical experimental results and to know more newlineabout the properties of the memristor. After that a circuit-based memristor is designed newlineutilizing NI Multisim for emulating the physical T aOx memristor. A non-volatile lo- newlinecally active memristor is a promising candidate for neuromorphic computing. There- newlinefore, a novel generic model of voltage-controlled memristor with local activity and newlinesynaptic behavior is proposed. The circuit design of this memristor is very simple and newlineeasy to fabricate. Using small-signal analysis, the behavior of local activity is analyzed for this memristor model. Through the theoretical study, three significant parameters are identified to derive an equivalent circuit (small-signal), which is i
dc.titleEquivalent Circuit Design of Memristors and Studies on Memristor based Nonlinear Dynamical Systems with Several Real Life applications
dc.creator.researcherPratyusha, Nune
dc.subject.keywordArtificial Synapse
dc.subject.keywordHysteresis Loop Area
dc.contributor.guideSantanu, Mandal
dc.publisher.universityVellore Institute of Technology (VIT-AP)
dc.publisher.institutionDepartment of Mathematics
Appears in Departments:Department of Mathematics

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