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Title: Optimization Of Nutrient Management Practices In Different Production Methods And Innovative Organic Nutrient Management Strategies Under Long Term Studies In Transplanted Rice Oryza Sativa L
Researcher: RAJASHREE
Keywords: Agricultural Sciences
Life Sciences
University: University of Agricultural Sciences, Raichur
Completed Date: 2022
Abstract: newline Field experiments were conducted at ARS, Gangavathi, UAS, Raichur during newlinerabi/summer 2020-21, kharif- 2021 and rabi/summer 2021-22 to know the effect and newlineoptimize the nutrient management practices in different production methods (during 16th and newline17th years) and to evaluate different innovative organic nutrient management strategies newline(during 6th and 7th years) under long term studies in transplanted rice. newlineExperimental results showed that, in pooled data (rabi/summer pool + kharif), newlinesignificantly higher grain yield was recorded in T6: FYM + VC (50 % RDN) + NPK (50 %) newlinein INM preceding block (4361 kg ha-1) and was found on par with T1: FYM + VC (100 % newlineRDN) in 100 % organics preceding block (4312 kg ha-1) and T7: FYM + VC (75 % RDN) + newlineNPK (25 %) in INM preceding block (4217 kg ha-1). The next best treatments were T2: FYM newline+ VC (75 % RDN) in 100 % organics preceding block (4172 kg ha-1) and T4: FYM + VC (75 newline% RDN) in 75 % organics preceding block (4160 kg ha-1). Similar trends of significantly newlinehigher values were recorded with growth and yield parameters, soil health and sustainability newlinein T6, T1, T7, T2 and T4. These treatments also had pesticide residue levels as undetected and newlinebelow quantification levels. Economic analysis revealed that the treatments receiving T1: newlineFYM + VC (100 % RDN) and T2: FYM + VC (75 % RDN) in 100 % organics preceding newlineblock (` 68101 ha-1 and ` 69846 ha-1) and T4: FYM + VC (75 % RDN) in 75 % organics newlinepreceding block (` 69589 ha-1) recorded on par and significantly net higher returns over all newlineother treatments. newlineIn another experiment, among different innovative organic nutrient management newlinepractices, in pooled data (rabi/summer pool + kharif), significantly higher grain yield was newlinerecorded with T3: FYM (100 % RDN basal) (3854 kg ha-1) and it was on par with T8: FYM newline(50 % N basal) + VC (50 % N top dress) equivalent to 75 % RDN + Jeevamrutha at 1000 l newlineha-1 + Cow urine (10 %) alternated with Vermiwash (10 %) spray (3849 kg ha-1), T7: FYM newline(50 % N basal) + VC (50 % N top dress) equivalent to 75
Appears in Departments:Agronomy

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