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Title: Role of social media in children s life a sociological analysis with reference to kota city
Researcher: Verma, Jyotsna
Guide(s): Sidana, Jyoti
Keywords: Social Sciences
Social Sciences General
University: University of Kota
Completed Date: 2022
Abstract: The Doctoral thesis entitled Role of Social Media in Children s Life: A Sociological Analysis (With Reference to Kota City), being submitted to the University of Kota, Kota for the award of Ph.D. degree, is a fieldwork based on primary data on the role of social media on school-going children with an age group of seven to sixteen years from selected schools of Kota. The study gives an outlook to the challenges which children are facing due to excessive use of social media and how social media is becoming a major part of children s life. newlineSocial media has provided us with millions of options on one hand but on the other hand, it has also shown its negative consequences which is impacting our relationships and day-to-day life activities. To know the effects of social media on children the present study has laid the foundation to find out its positive and negative influence of it. newlineThe study is also helpful in finding out the present psychological, emotional, behavioural effects of social media usage on children and will surely come up with some solution to it. The present study will also add up some of the major newspaper articles related to children and social media which will reflect light on the present study and give it a more relevant look at the social discipline. newline newline
Pagination: xi, 265 pages
Appears in Departments:Department of Social Sciences

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