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Title: Assessment of efficacy of Glycerin Paraffin combination in comparison to Mustard oil on skin related quality of life among CKD patients with Uremic xerosis and CKD associated pruritus
Researcher: Dr.Veena Verma
Guide(s): Dr.Yashwant Lamture
Keywords: Clinical Pre Clinical and Health
Clinical Medicine
University: Datta Meghe Institute of Medical Sciences
Completed Date: 2024
Abstract: ABSTRACT newlineAssessment of efficacy of Glycerin-Paraffin combination in comparison to Mustard newlineoil on skin related quality of life among CKD patients with Uremic xerosis and CKD newlineassociated pruritus newlineABSTRACT newlineIntroduction: Uremic xerosis and CKD associated pruritus (CKD-ap) is most newlinecommonly occurring dermatological problem faced by most of the CKD patients on newlinehemodialysis which is not only annoying and draining to the patients but also have newlineintense effect on patients quality of life. newlineMethodology: newlineA true experimental design utilizing a randomized active control double blind newlinesuperiority trial was carried out at Acharya Vinoba Bhave Rural Hospital (AVBRH), newlineDatta Meghe Institute of Higher Education and Research Medical Science (DMIHER), newlineSawangi (Meghe), Wardha, in the Department of Nephrology. Chronic kidney disease newlinepatients with moderate xerosis and on hemodialysis were recruited as study subjects. newlineThis study was carried out for a period of 3 years duration from August 2019 to July newline2023, and data collection was done from August 2022 to February 2023.The Datta newlineMeghe Institute of Higher Education and Research (Deemed to be University) newlineInstitutional Ethics Committee approved the study via letter with Ref no: newlineDMIMS(DU)/IEC/2020-21/9053 dated 10.10.2020. Informed consent of the participants newlinewas obtained before the study. Participants were assured of the confidentiality of the newlineinformation. The study participants were selected from the hemodialysis unit, medical and newlinenephrology wards. Initially, all the patients of CKD on hemodialysis were screened for newlinexerosis using EI gammal scale for xerosis and those having moderate to severe xerosis newlinewere selected as study participants. This was followed by a random allocation of the newlinesamples in the control and experimental group using the lottery method. Both the newlineexperimental group and control group had 70 CKD patients with moderate to severe newlinexerosis. Three samples discontinued the study from both experimental and control group newlineso finally each arm had 67 participants in the trial with
Appears in Departments:medical surgical nursing

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