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dc.description.abstractIn India, using music as a treatment has been around for quite some time. Because music plays such a significant role in Indian society and culture, our ears have been treated to a never-ending stream of music that has a holistic therapeutic value for centuries. The therapeutic use of Indian music has nearly no boundaries to its possibility. A music therapist could draw strength from various musical genres, such as folk songs with exciting melodies and ragas with therapeutic benefits. When dealing with this kind of emotional pain, it might be helpful to listen to some Indian music that features Shanti Rasa, KarunaRasa, and Sringara Rasa, among other forms of Indian music. Indian music can bring about, transfer, and pass over various types of perception (sentimental, intellectual); this can be the best way to capture feelings at the intra - psychic, emotional, social, and transpersonal levels. Indian music has the ability of music to improve conditions by helping people loosen up, sleep, and focus, as well as by improving memory, learning skills, insight, and originality, lowering stress, strengthening energy and the nervous system, and making it easier for people to interact with each other and with themselves. It has been determined that it would be beneficial to carry out the research. It can give a new shape to our insight into the mental health-related meaning of music as a significant power healer for the psychological problems that trouble adolescents. newline
dc.format.extentvii, 229p.
dc.titleTherapeutic effects of indian classical music on juvenile delinquents and the underprivileged children of chandigarh and the vicinity
dc.creator.researcherBains, Purnendu
dc.subject.keywordIndian Classical
dc.subject.keywordMusic Therapy
dc.subject.keywordRaag Sangeet
dc.subject.keywordTherapeutic Effects
dc.description.noteBibliography 216-227p. Annexure 228-229p.
dc.contributor.guideSharma, Arvind
dc.publisher.universityPanjab University
dc.publisher.institutionUniversity Institute of Engineering and Technology
Appears in Departments:University Institute of Engineering and Technology

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10_result 1 depression juvenile.pdf640.77 kBAdobe PDFView/Open
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