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dc.coverage.spatialGenetic diversity studies for high yield and nutritional traits using morpho-agronomic and biochemical traits. 2.Generation mean analysis using five parameter model to understand the genetics of yield traits, iron, zinc and protein content
dc.description.abstractnewline To understand the genetic aspects influencing the development of little millet newlinevarieties, a research titled quotGenetics of micronutrient in little millet (Panicum sumatrense newlineRoth ex Roem. and Schultz)quot was conducted. The study aimed to investigate various traits newlinerelated to yield and its components in little millet and assess their genetic characteristics. newlineThe study found significant variability among different accessions for traits such as newlinegrain yield, fodder yield, tiller numbers, panicle length, and others. This suggests crop newlineimprovement through direct selection among genotypes. Some traits displayed moderate newlinevariability, indicating a need to enhance genetic variability. Most traits exhibited high newlineheritability, suggesting a stronger genetic control. Phenotypic selection can be effective newlinefor improving these traits. High genetic advance as a percentage of the mean was newlineobserved for all traits, indicating the influence of additive gene action. Simple selection newlinemethods can be used for traits predominantly influenced by additive genes. Iron and newlineprotein content showed moderate heritability and high genetic advance, suggesting newlineinvolvement of both additive and non-additive gene actions. A modified selection newlineapproach may be more effective for enhancing these traits. Overall, the study emphasizes newlinethe potential for improvement through selection methods and the importance of genetic newlinevariability for successful breeding programs. newlineAnalysis of variance for dispersion revealed highly significant differences among newlinethe germplasm accessions for aggregate of all the characters. The accessions, TNPsu155 newlineand MS 211 recorded high grain and dry fodder yield per plant among the germplasm newlineaccessions studied. IPmr 891 exhibits high iron content, while TNAU17 has high zinc newlinecontent, and TNPsu201 shows high protein content. The single plant grain yield showed a newlinepositive and significant correlation with dry fodder yield, number basal tillers per plant, newlineNumber of productive tiller per plant, plant height, thousand grain weight, flag
dc.titleGenetics of micronutrient content in little millet
dc.creator.researcherAmaravel M
dc.subject.keywordAgricultural Sciences
dc.subject.keywordAgriculture Multidisciplinary
dc.subject.keywordLife Sciences
dc.description.noteLittle millet, Variabiliy, Correlation, generation mean analysis
dc.contributor.guideNirmalakumari A
dc.publisher.universityTamil Nadu Agricultural University
dc.publisher.institutionGenetics and Plant Breeding
Appears in Departments:Genetics and Plant Breeding

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