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DC FieldValueLanguage
dc.coverage.spatialComputer Science
dc.description.abstractNatural language processing frameworks take series of words (sentences) as their input and deliver organized portrayals. The motivation behind this task is to assess NER frameworks for Tamil. In contemporary Tamil there are numerous negative indicators that cannot simply be inferred from the Tamil Negation of current managing languages. The various works have formulated different frameworks of theory to manage the Tamil negation complexities with certain restricted success level. Subject-verb agreement is required for the grammaticality of a Tamil sentence. Tamil allows subject and object drop as well as verb less sentences. Negation and Adjective based rules can help in identifying the category of the tweets for sentiment mining. The present Natural Language Processing (NLP) algorithm depend on machine adapting, particularly measurable machine learning. The worldview of machine taking in is not quite the same as that of earlier endeavours at dialect preparing. newline
dc.format.extentXvi, 153p.
dc.relation135 Nos.
dc.titleDevelopment of Techniques for NER in Twitter Based on EHMM for Conversational Tamil Language
dc.creator.researcherVasunthira Devi, N
dc.subject.keywordComputer Science
dc.subject.keywordComputer Science Artificial Intelligence
dc.subject.keywordEngineering and Technology
dc.description.noteBibliography p.154-169
dc.contributor.guidePonnusamy, R
dc.publisher.universityMother Teresa Womens University
dc.publisher.institutionDepartment of Computer Science
Appears in Departments:Department of Computer Science

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