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Title: prospective study of bipolar hemiarthroplasty in unstable intertrochanteric fracture in elderly 70 years
Researcher: P Arun Kumar
Guide(s): S Subbaiah
Keywords: Clinical Medicine
Clinical Pre Clinical and Health
Orthopedics bones
University: Saveetha University
Completed Date: 2023
Abstract: newlineIn the elderly population, an unstable intertrochanteric newlinefracture is a common injury. Poor bone quality, severe collapse, loss newlineof fixation, and cut-out of the lag screw are associated with this newlineinjury. The current study aims to assess the functional result of newlineprimary bipolar hemiarthroplasty in elderly individuals with newlineunstable intertrochanteric fractures. newlineMATERIALS AND METHODS: newlineIn this prospective study, 30 individuals with unstable newlineintertrochanteric femur fractures of age gt70 years in whom primary newlineBipolar hemiarthroplasty was performed. Foll owing surgery, the newlinepatients were evaluated using the Harris Hip Score (HHS), and newlineVisual Analogue Scale (VAS) to determine the results at six weeks, newlinethree months, and six months. newlineRESULT: newlineThe present study includes 30 patients. There were 14 male, newline16 females and the mean age was 78.03. In that most of them 60% newlineof the patient sustained injury by slip and fall, and 40% due to RTA, newlineright side is more commonly affected, and the mean duration of time newlinewas 77.77 mins, mean blood loss was 511.67 ml and the mean newlinehospital stay was 13.97. The patient was asked to come at 6 weeks, newline3 months, and 6 months. The mean HHS was 61.27 at 6 weeks which newlinesubsequently increased to 85.6 at the end of the follow up. newlineSimilarly, the mean VAS score was 5.8 at 6 weeks which newlinesubsequently decreased to 1.5 at the end of the follow up.
Appears in Departments:Orthopaedic Surgery

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