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Title: Statistical Studies on Student Outcomes from Integration of Virtual Laboratories
Researcher: Vysakh K K
Guide(s): Krishnashree Achuthan
Keywords: Chemistry
Chemistry Analytical; Virtual Laboratory; Chemistry education; vlab amrita; Virtual Learning;Olabs
Physical Sciences
University: Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham University
Completed Date: 2023
Abstract: Laboratory experimentation plays a crucial role in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) education, particularly in the field of chemistry, as it is as important as teaching theories and concepts. In recent years, virtual laboratories (VLs), or virtual learning, have revolutionized science education [9]. Using VLs, students may conduct experiments and analyze data virtually without needing expensive laboratory equipment or facing potentially hazardous chemicals in physical laboratories (PLs). VLs have become repositories of a broad variety of experiments and learning resources, offering unique benefits such as cost savings, convenience, and the experience of customized learning. After the advent of VLs, there is a need to understand how technology may enhance students learning experiences, increase effective classroom performance, deepen their conceptual understanding, and ensure their safety during laboratory activities. In the context of chemistry laboratory classrooms, further exploration is needed to characterize the efficacy of VLs. In doing so, researchers and educators aim to determine ideal ways to employ VLs in the chemistry classroom to support student learning and engagement. The purpose of this study is multi-faceted. The first part of the study aims to examine how VL platforms can improve students theoretical and experimental learning in chemistry. The second part investigates the factors that affect the adoption of VLs by teachers, as well as the effect of technology training on the adoption of VLs before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. In the present thesis, the learning outcome in the laboratory context refers to the conceptual understanding, practical skills (handling the chemicals, apparatus, experimentation, etc.), and abilities (results interpretation, data analysis, etc.) that students acquire as a result of participating in laboratory activities [10]. To study the effectiveness of VLs, we focus on psychological factors, particularly self-efficacy, and motivation, and..
Pagination: xii,147
Appears in Departments:Department of Chemistry

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