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Title: Investigation on Corner Faulting of Rigid Pavement Using Concrete as a Base Course
Researcher: Pradeepkumar B K
Guide(s): Y Ramalinga Reddy
Keywords: Engineering
Engineering and Technology
Engineering Civil
University: REVA University
Completed Date: 2023
Abstract: In actual practice rigid pavements consist of Dry Lean Concrete (DLC) as a bottom newlinelayer and Pavement Quality Concrete (PQC) as a top layer. An attempt to investigate newlineand understand the behaviour of PQC - DLC slab subjected to static load. The load newlinedeflection pattern for multi-layered slabs appears to be equally ductile when newlinecompared with PQC slabs but are less rigid in terms of load carrying capacity. newlineBy considering the base course layer as a part of the pavement, a composite and newlineeconomical cement concrete pavement maybe designed. Also attempt to study the newlineeffect of base course strength on rigid pavement corner faulting. The role of different newlinebase, base layers and rationale for using different base types and layering are not newlinewell documented as many agencies specify standard or typical base and base layers newlinebased on historical performance and their own experiences. For example, it is unclear newlinewhere and why a treated base should be used, or why one type of treated base is newlinepreferred over another. newlinePavement engineers generally agree that foundation layers perform important newlinefunctions, including providing uniform support, controlling pumping and erosion, newlineprotecting against frost heaving, and reducing moisture related damage to paving newlinematerials. Based on loading frame slab settlement and FWD structural analysis it has newlinebeen demonstrated the benefit of rigid base course under PQC showing significant newlineimpact on foundation layers on pavement performance newline
Appears in Departments:School of Civil Engineering

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