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Title: correlation of progression of egfr with changes in ankle brachial pressure index in non dialysed chronic kidney disease patients
Researcher: Shreenidhi R
Guide(s): S Prasanna Karthik
Keywords: Clinical Medicine
Clinical Pre Clinical and Health
Medicine General and Internal
University: Saveetha University
Completed Date: 2023
Abstract: newlineCorrelation of progression of eGFR with changes in ankle newlinebrachial pressure index in non-dialysed chronic kidney disease newlinepatients newline newlineOBJECTIVES newline To etimate the ABI at baseline, at 3rd month and at 6th month newlinein non-dialysed chronic kidney disease patients. newline To estimate the eGFR at baseline, at 3rd month and at 6th newlinemonth in non-dialysed chronic kidney disease patients. newline To correlate the changes in eGFR with changes in Ankle newlineBrachial Index in each visit.
Appears in Departments:Department of General Medicine

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