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Title: prognostic significance of thyroid function tests proteinuria and echocardiography in decompensated liver disease patient
Researcher: Jaya Lalwani
Guide(s): Gunasekaran Nallusamy
Keywords: Clinical Medicine
Clinical Pre Clinical and Health
Medicine General and Internal
University: Saveetha University
Completed Date: 2023
Abstract: The chief purpose of the present investigation is to detect the newlinerelationship or correlation between thyroid function, proteinuria, newlineand echocardiography status with respect to the severity of newlineDecompensated Liver Disease (DLD) assessed using the score of newlineChild Turcotte Pugh and MELD individually besides clinical newlineprognosis in patients who had been diagnosed with DLD so that the newlineprognosis of the DLD patients could be predicted. The current study newlinemight facilitate the identification of significant parameters either newlineindividually or synergistically that decides the severity of DLD as newlinewell as the prognosis. newlineand#10003; To correlate the parameters involved with blood investigation newlinesuch as thyroid function test (T3, T4, and TSH), routine urine newlineanalysis like proteinuria, and echocardiographic status newlinecomprising LV function with the severity of DLD individually newlineand thereby, significant predictors that might be responsible for newlinethe severity of DLD could be identified. newlineand#10003; To describe the relationship of T3, T4 and TSH, proteinuria and newlineechocardiographic LV function with respect to the clinical newlineoutcome of DLD patients, so that significant parameter that newlinepredicts the prognosis of patients with DLD could be assessed. newline
Appears in Departments:Department of General Medicine

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