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Title: a study of ambulatory blood pressure in patients with intradialytic hypertension and the impact of lowered dialysate sodium
Researcher: Gowrishankar A
Guide(s): G S Sanjay Surya
Keywords: Clinical Medicine
Clinical Pre Clinical and Health
Medicine General and Internal
University: Saveetha University
Completed Date: 2023
Abstract: To measure the Ambulatory Blood pressures during the Inter newlinedialytic period on reducing the dialysate sodium, in patients having newlineIntraDialytic Hypertension. newline newlineOBJECTIVES: newline To compare and study the effect of two different newlineconcentrations of dialysate sodium on ambulatory systolic blood newlinepressures in patients having intradialytic hypertension. newline newlineTo compare and study the effect of two different newlineconcentrations of dialysate sodium on ambulatory diastolic blood newlinepressures in patients having intradialytic hypertension newline
Appears in Departments:Department of General Medicine

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