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Title: comparison of micro current therapy and low level laser therapy in treating diabetic foot ulcer
Researcher: M Kamalakannan
Guide(s): S Chitra
Keywords: Clinical Medicine
Clinical Pre Clinical and Health
Rheumatology joints muscles and ligaments
University: Saveetha University
Completed Date: 2023
Abstract: newlineTo compare the effectiveness of micro current therapy and low level newlinelaser therapy in treating diabetic foot ulcer and identifying the newlinehistopathological changes occurring during ulcer healing. newline2.2. Aim of the study newlineThe aim of the present study was to determine the effectiveness of newlinemicro current therapy compared with low level laser therapy in terms of wound newlinehealing and quality of life for diabetic foot ulcers. newline2.3. Objectives of the study newline(i) The objective of the study is to compare the effect of microcurrent newlinetherapy and low level laser therapy in terms of wound healing in newlinediabetic foot ulcer. newline(ii) The objective of the study is to compare the effect of microcurrent newlinetherapy and low level laser therapy in terms of quality of life in diabetic newlinefoot ulcer subjects. newline2.4. Hypothesis of the study newline The assumed hypotheses are newline(i) There is a significant difference in wound healing in the experimental newlinegroup compared to the control group. newline(ii) There is a significant difference in quality of life in the experimental newlinegroup compared to the control group. newline2.5. Ethical issues newlineThe present study was approved by Institutional Ethics Committee newline(IEC), Saveetha Institute of Medical and Technical Sciences (IEC No. newline014/02/2017/IEC/SU dated 28th February 2017). The procedure was informed newlineto all the members and higher authorities. The intervention procedure and newlinebenefits of this study was well explained to the participants before enrolling to newlinethe study. The clinical parameters and other details from the participants were newlinecollected after getting an informed consent. Confidentiality was maintained newlinethroughout the study.
Appears in Departments:Department of Physiotherapy

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