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Title: Design of Modified Release Dosage Form for Arthritis
Researcher: Lal, Ganesh
Guide(s): Bajpai, Meenakshi
Keywords: Clinical Pre Clinical and Health
Pharmacology and Pharmacy
Pharmacology and Toxicology
University: GLA University
Completed Date: 2023
Abstract: The objective of the research entitled Design of Modified Release Dosage Form for Arthritis . In newlineorder to accomplish the objective of the research, the seed of Vigna mungo were collected from newlinelocal market and authenticated by CSIR-National Institute of Science Communication and newlineInformation Resources (CSIR-NISCAIR), New Delhi. Mucilage was isolated by maceration newlineprecipitation method. Further it was characterized for various quality control parameters. The yield newline(%) of mucilage was found to be 33.78% w/w. All the physicochemical parameters were found to newlinebe satisfactory as standard mucilage. Mucilage was also evaluated for screening. Result indicated newlinethe presence of carbohydrate, flavonoid, glycosides, and protein while saponins, resin, alkaloid newlinewas found to be absent. Flow properties of mucilage powder were evaluated and found to be good. newlineMoreover, DSC and XRD indicated the amorphous nature of isolated mucilage powder. The mean newlineparticle size of extracted mucilage powder of black gramm was 2 and#956;m by DLS. The zeta potential newline(and#950;) of V. Mungo mucilage powder in aqueous solution at 1.0 mg/mL (deionized water) was found newlineto be 25.6 mV which indicate the poly electric effect in pure water. 13C solid-state NMR spectra newlineshowed typical band and peaks of polysaccharides. Thus, confirm the polysaccharide nature of newlineextracted mucilage. SEM indicated aggregated particles with irregular shape hence amorphous newlinenature. For the compatibility study, mixture of mucilage and drug (Paracetamol, Rrsveratrol and newlineCelastrol) were subjected to FTIR which showed no new peaks. Thus, confirmed no interaction newlinebetween drugs and mucilage and other excipients. Further isolated mucilage powder was used as newlineexcipient to formulate uncoated tablet of Paracetamol (as a model drug) in order to optimize its newlineconcentration required as binding agent and release retardant agent. Hardness and drug release are newlinetwo response parameters to optimize the concentration of the mucilage as binder and retardant. newlineHardness was found to be increased upon increasing the concentr
Pagination: xvi+205p,
Appears in Departments:Department of Pharmaceutical Science

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