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Title: Some Traversable Wormhole Solutions in Modified Gravity
Researcher: ,Shweta
Guide(s): Mishra, Ambuj Kumar
Keywords: Mathematics
Physical Sciences
University: GLA University
Completed Date: 2023
Abstract: The objective of this thesis serves towards providing the possible traversable worm- newlinehole models in the backdrop of distinct modified theories of gravity. The presence of newlineexotic matter for the existence of the worm-hole geometry has been an unavoidable newlineproblem in GR. In recent studies, researchers have tried to deal with this issue using newlinemodified gravity theories where the WH geometry is explained by the extra curvature newlineterms and NEC s are not violated signifying the standard matter in the WH geometry. newlineThe main points contained in the thesis are summarized below: newlineChapter 1 is the introductory chapter which gives an overview about the evolution newlineof worm-hole cosmology. It also provides the basic knowledge about the worm-holes, newlinemodified theories of gravity and the literature survey of the field. newline
Pagination: xiv+123p,
Appears in Departments:Department of Mathematics

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