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Title: A Study on Validation and Implementation of Constant Dose Rate Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy CDR VMAT in Radiotherapy Practice
Researcher: Gedam, Varsha Raghunathji
Guide(s): Pradhan, Anirudh
Keywords: Physical Sciences
Physics Applied
University: GLA University
Completed Date: 2023
Abstract: Cancer is scary and life-threatening disease to everybody. Radiotherapy plays an important role newlinealong with surgery and chemotherapy for cancer management. It is used in both curative and newlinepalliative treatment. In palliation cases, the main role of radiotherapy is pain relief and newlineimproves the quality of life. Due to lack of screening programs, late detection, and fewer newlinenumbers of diagnostic and treatment units in low-and-middle-income countries (LMIC), they newlinelag in cancer prevention compared with high-income countries. More patients seek treatment, newlinebut only a few can get it due to fewer radiotherapy machines in LMIC. To date, many LMIC newlinehave Co-60 units and some also have linear accelerator (Linac) for radiotherapy treatment. Due newlineto financial constraints, the LMIC could not have advanced technologies like volumetric newlinemodulated arc therapy (VMAT), tomotherapy, stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS), etc. Advanced newlinetechnologies can deliver more homogeneous and highly conformed dose distribution to the newlinetumour with sparing nearby normal organs. VMAT technique became popular due to its newlinedosimetric advantages and shorter treatment delivery time among the latest radiotherapy newlinetechniques. With the help of this technique, large number of patients can be treated. This newlineVMAT technique can be beneficial in LMIC to treat a greater number of patients with quality newline
Pagination: xiii+73p,
Appears in Departments:Department of Physics

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