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Title: Implementation of green management practices and its impact on Organizational performance of selected SMES with special reference to Karnataka
Researcher: Rajeshwari P T
Guide(s): Harani B
Keywords: Economics and Business
Social Sciences
University: REVA University
Completed Date: 2023
Abstract: This research started from an interest in how small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in newlinethe manufacturing sector within the geographical area of Karnataka operate concerning newlinesustainability by developing Green Management Practices. Therefore, this study aims to newlineinvestigate the awareness and adoption of Green Management Practices and to examine the newlineimpact of these GMP adoptions on Organizational Performance at a regional level in the newlinecontext of manufacturing SMEs. To accomplish this task, a range of literature is evaluated newlinefocusing on GMP adoptions in SMEs. This review reveals a research gap regarding SMEs newlineimplementation of GMP, to which this study responds. newlineThis research is an explanatory and empirical study with two rounds of primary data newlinecollection gathered from SME manufacturers in Karnataka, includes the Bengaluru region, newlineMysore region, and Nanjangud region. The results derived from the questionnaire survey newlineprovide strong evidence that selected manufacturing SMEs are facing challenges in newlineimplementing Green Management Practice. In response to these challenges, SMEs have tried newlinesome GMP, including green design, green manufacturing, green purchasing, energy efficiency newlineand energy conservation, waste reduction, and recycling and green innovation, and these newlinepractices are specific to the industrial sector considered in this study. But these practices do newlinecontribute to improving performance environmentally, financially, operationally, newlineeconomically. Also, suggested improving social performance, customer satisfaction, work newlinesafety performance and people development, and engagement system. newline
Appears in Departments:School of Commerce

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