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Title: Role of modern technology in the transformation of agriculture in the lower ganga_yamuna doab
Researcher: Ammar, Najeeb Qais
Guide(s): Khan, Shafaat Ali
Keywords: Economists, Geographers, Technological, Factors, Geographical
Upload Date: 17-Oct-2015
University: Aligarh Muslim University
Completed Date: 1990
Abstract: Abstract available newline newline
Pagination: x, 502p.
Appears in Departments:Department of Geography

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01_title.pdfAttached File30.09 kBAdobe PDFView/Open
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03_certificate.pdf30.54 kBAdobe PDFView/Open
04_contents.pdf48.04 kBAdobe PDFView/Open
05_aknowledgement.pdf80.22 kBAdobe PDFView/Open
06_list of figures.pdf113.81 kBAdobe PDFView/Open
07_list of tables.pdf122.44 kBAdobe PDFView/Open
08_introduction.pdf337.21 kBAdobe PDFView/Open
09_part i.pdf2.4 MBAdobe PDFView/Open
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