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Title: Synthesis of Some Novel Magnetic Graphene Oxide Based Nano Composites and Study of Their Applications in Water Treatment
Researcher: Monika Thakur
Guide(s): Rupesh Kumar
Keywords: Chemistry
Chemistry Applied
Physical Sciences
University: I. K. Gujral Punjab Technical University
Completed Date: 2023
Abstract: The main aim of this research work is to synthesize a nanocomposite by combining newlinethe individual properties of graphene oxide, chitosan and nano zero valent iron i.e. newlinenZVI and explore the applicability and efficacy of the synthesized nano composite in newlinethe treatment of dyes tuff and heavy metal ions contaminated water. The driving force newlinefor this work comes from the fact that these components exhibit enormous characteristics which can be explored in the field of water remediation and catalysis. newlineAfter an elaborated and extensive review of available literature, the ultimate aim is to newlinesynthesize a ternary nano composite (TNC) which consists of a low cost, biodegradable, non toxic polymer chitosan (CS), a remarkable adsorbent grapheme oxide(GO), and nZVI which is redox active, sorbent and imparts magnetic character to the ternary nano composite. One pot synthesis approach is followed in which nZVI is synthesized via chemical reduction in situ on GO-CS support. Various synthetic approaches have been followed to achieve an optimized TNC for targeted pollutant removal. Structural and morphological analysis of the TNC(s) is performed with the help of efficient characterization techniques such as SEM, HRTEM, EDS, BET, VSM, TGA and FTIR. The as synthesized TNC is explored for the treatment of toxic dyes and heavy metal ions polluted water. Major commercial dye classes such as azo dyes, anthraquinone dyes and fluoroscent xanthenes dyes have been targeted and treated with the as synthesized composite to test its wide practical applicability. The representative dye compounds of above mentioned classes in our study are Chlorazol Black (Direct black 38), Congo Red, Procion blue MX-R (Reactive blue 4) and Rhodamine B respectively. Pb(II) metal ions and mixture system of Pb(II), Ni(II), Cd(II) and Cu(II) heavy metal ions have been treated and explored. The overall work has been planned thoroughly with required emphasis on each aspect of the research work. The whole research work is divided in to four chapters as follows newline
Pagination: All pages
Appears in Departments:Department of Chemistry

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