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Title: Optimal control of parallel hybrid electric vehicle using intelligent algorithms
Researcher: Leon Bosco Raj J
Guide(s): Marsaline Beno M
Keywords: Computer Science
Computer Science Information Systems
Engineering and Technology
University: Anna University
Completed Date: 2023
Abstract: Electric Vehicles (EV) have become a viable alternative to Internal newlineCombustion Engine (ICE) vehicles in recent years so as to reduce greenhouse newlinegas emissions and harmful effects on the environment and human health. newlineHowever, the standalone electric vehicles which are the early developments in newlineelectric vehicles experienced a setback due to its decreased battery efficiency newlineand reduced driving range. This paved way for the development of hybrid newlinesystem that combines both ICE and electrical systems for propulsion whose newlinepower split is achieved by proper energy management system. This research newlinework proposes a model for parallel hybrid electric vehicle including drive newlinepower estimation and develops the model and simulates using Simscape newlinecomponents of SIMULINK toolbox in MATLAB with evaluation of the core newlineperformance parameters such as Power Split, Power losses, fuel consumption newlineand battery charge availability details. newline newline
Pagination: viii,110p
Appears in Departments:Faculty of Information and Communication Engineering

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