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Title: Development and characterization of natural fillers incorporated in epoxy composites and PLA filament for 3d printing
Researcher: Muruganantham, K
Guide(s): Senthil, S
Keywords: Engineering
Engineering and Technology
Engineering Mechanical
University: Anna University
Completed Date: 2023
Abstract: Current environmental rules and legislation enacted on a global newlinescale prohibit the use of non-biodegradable materials, compelling material newlineresearchers to seek for biodegradable substitutes for the different applications newlinenow in use. Plant fibre reinforced composites are regarded an alternative to newlinenon-biodegradable materials due to their advantageous qualities, such as their newlineeco-friendliness, lower production costs, lower density, and easy fabrication newlineprocedures. In this study, Pennisetum Glaucum Stem Powder (PGSP) and newlineCaesalpinia Bonducella Seed Shell Powder (CBSSP) were prepared through ball newlinemilling. newlineFor PGSP, basic research such as chemical compositional assessment, newlinedensity measurement, crystallographic evaluation, thermal studies and surface newlinetopography analysis, were first undertaken. Chemical compositional analysis newlinerevealed that the PGSP has much more cellulose (58.43 wt%) than hemicellulose newline(12.86 wt%), lignin (14.34 wt%), and wax (0.28 wt%). FTIR analysis was used newlineto determine the functional groups and related chemical makeup of the PGSP, newlineUsing XRD examination, the crystallinity index (56.8%) and crystalline size newline(22.37 nm) of PGSP were determined. Using the thermogravimetric and newlinederivative thermogravimetric of PGSP, the thermal stability (230°C), maximum newlinedegradation temperature (298°C), were determined. Analyses using a scanning newlineelectron microscope and an atomic force microscope revealed the presence of a newlinesmooth surface on PGSP. newline
Pagination: xviii,134p.
Appears in Departments:Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

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