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Title: Learning content curation and enrichment
Researcher: V, Venktesh
Guide(s): Mohania, Mukesh
Keywords: Computer Science
Computer Science Information Systems
Engineering and Technology
University: Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology, Delhi (IIIT-Delhi)
Completed Date: 2023
Abstract: Education in traditional classroom settings was restricted to static content in textbooks. It also assumes all the learners have a similar pace of learning. Online learning platforms have shifted the paradigm and have made learning from anywhere possible. They have also enabled to scale learning to millions of users across demographics. Such learning plat-forms curate content from multiple sources. They also have dedicated academicians to aiding the creation and curation of learning content like videos, lecture transcripts, assessments etc. For sake of simplicity, we refer to the various categories of content as learning con-tent. Manual creation of content is cumbersome. Additionally, when on-boarding content from other sources, they have to be pre-processed to follow the organization standard of the learning management system. For catering to the needs of different stages of learners, such platforms also have to link to related content to facilitate the effective distribution of knowledge to learners. In order to deliver learning content at scale to the learners and cater to the individual needs of the learners, the content in such platforms can no longer be static and must adapt according to the interaction of the individual learners with the system. This involves on boarding new content from other sources, organizing them for ease of access, and enrichment of existing content to generate diverse content for the learners. In our work, we build content curation and enrichment tools to assist the academicians. We achieve this by proposing novel tasks and also relating tasks to existing work in literature. We first look at the problem of organizing content according to a standardized hierarchical learning taxonomy of form (subject - chapter - topic - sub-topic) to aid in applications like faceted search. Effective organization of learning content is a prerequisite for the recommendation of appropriate learning content. However, the label space of hierarchical learning taxonomy is large.
Pagination: 172 p.
Appears in Departments:Department of Computer Science and Engineering

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