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Title: Right to Equality Vis A Vis Gender Disparity in Higher Education Institutions in the State of Gujarat a Critical Study
Researcher: Parmar, Hemlata S
Guide(s): Tiwari, Ruchi
Keywords: Enrollment
Gender Disparity
Higher Education
Right to Equality
Social Sciences
Social Sciences General
University: Parul University
Completed Date: 2023
Abstract: Right to Equality, Article 14 guarantees to every person including non-citizens and newlinetransgender the Right to Equality before Law or the Equal Protection of the law. The newlineEqual Protection of the Law brings necessary social and economic changes so Everyone can enjoy Equal Protection Laws. If the state leaves the existing inequalities untouched by its laws, it fails in its duty of providing Equal Protection to all persons. There are different kinds of Equalities like Political, Social, Natural, and Economical. Here in this research Social Equality has been discussed where one should not be discriminated in the distribution of rights, privileges and opportunities based on birth, caste, religion, race, colour , gender or social status. Each one should give equal opportunity to develop his/her personality. In spite of Equality is one of the Fundamental Rights, Women s Education was a matter of concern for our Country. Literacy rates from 1951-20211 clearly show inequality in enrolment ratio, drop out ratio. Role of Judiciary to make Education as a Fundamental Right have been discussed with history of Women Education and current Scenario at National and International level. As this Study is about Gujarat region so zone wise Universities s enrolment data and All India Survey on Higher Education Report s data have been collected and analyzed. Questioner Method is used to collect Primary data. Higher Education plays a vital contribution to country s development. Gender disparity shows men and women are not equal and gender affects an individual s living experience. The Government has implemented many policies for education including Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA),The National Literacy Method (NLM),The newlineRashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan (RMSA), Rashtriya Uchch Shiksha Abhiyan (RUSA), National Higher Education Mission. Right of Children to free and compulsory Act ,2009 and Various Education policies also have played important role to get parity in Women Education.
Appears in Departments:Department of Law

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