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Title: Anatomical study of the post natal development of male genital system of pati duck Anas platyrhynchos of Assam
Researcher: Hmangaihzuali, Elizabeth Vl
Guide(s): Sarma, Kabita
Keywords: Life Sciences
Plant and Animal Science
Veterinary Sciences disease in animals
University: Assam Agricultural University
Completed Date: 2020
Abstract: The present study was undertaken to elaborate certain gross anatomical, newlinehistomorphological, histochemical, ultrastructural, haematological and serum newlinebiochemical aspect of male genital organs of Pati duck (Anas platyrhynchos) of Assam newlineduring the postnatal development. Total 30 (thirty) numbers of apparently healthy Pati newlineducks (Anas platyrhynchos) were utilized for present study. newlineThe testis of Pati duck (Anas platyrhynchos) was located within the abdominal newlinecavity. The organ was elongated rice-grain like in 1 month which changed to oval shaped newlinein 20 weeks and bean shaped in 30 and 40 weeks. The epididymis was found on the newlinedorso-medial aspect of testis. The epididymal duct of the testis continued as Vas newlinedeferens. The convoluted vas deferens tightly coiled in a zingzag pattern till 20 weeks newlineand the convolutions loosened in 30 and 40 weeks. The vas deferens was translucent in 1 newlinemonth and 6-8 weeks whereas in 30 and 40 weeks they were opaque white with presence newlineof spermatozoa in the lumen. The phallus coiled in anti-clockwise direction from the newlinebase to the apex. The ejaculatory groove and sulcus divide the shaft into two lateral newlinebodies. The length increased with age. newlineThe testis of Pati duck (Anas platyrhynchos) had a capsule which had three parts newlineviz., tunica serosa, tunica albugenia and tunica vasculosa. The thickness of the capsule of newlinethe testis gradually increased along the advancement of the age i.e. from 1 month to 40 newlineweek age group. The collagen, reticular, elastic and nerve fibers were observed within newlinethe capsule and as well the peritubular area of the seminiferous tubules. The thickness of newlinethe capsule and distribution of all the fibers increased along with the advancement of the newlineage i.e. from 1 month to 40 week age group. newlineThe parenchyma of the testis of the Pati duck (Anas platyrhynchos) consisted of newlinecomplex and convoluted seminiferous tubules separated by interstitial connective tissue. newlineNo lobulation and mediastinum testis. The diameter as wells as layers of cell of the ST newlineincreased with age. One month and 6-8 weeks birds semiferous tubules were mainly newlinecomposed of Sertoli cells, spermatogonium cells and vacuolated cells. In 20 weeks the newlinecells were 3 to 5 layers consisting of spermatocyte along with other cells. The ST of 30 newlineand 40 weeks age groups had 8 to 17 layers of cells formed by different stages of newlinespermatogenesis. The interstitial connective tissue decreased with increased in age. The newlineepididymal region consisted of rete testis which was intracapsular and extracapsular, newlineefferent duct with smooth and folded epithelium, collecting duct and epididymal duct newlinehaving the same epithelial lining. The vas deferens diameter increased with age. Smooth newlineepithelium at the cranial part and folded epithelium at caudal part. The phallus has a newlinenarrow lumen which was surrounded by a very large lymphatic space and vascular body. newlineIn the present histochemical study of male genital organ of Pati duck, the reaction newlineof Alkaline Phosphatase enzyme decreased with age in the testis, moderate in the vas newlinedeferens and intesnse in the phallus. The reaction of the Acid Phosphatase moderate in newlinethe testis and vas deferens of all age group, while phallus had intense and moderate newlineactivity area. The Adenosine Tri Phosphatase (ATPase) activity increased with increased newlinein age in the testis, weak activity in the vas deferens and phallus with intense and weak newlineactivity area. newlineUnder TEM two types of leydig cells viz., elongated and polygonal shaped was newlinefound, they contain numerous lipid droplets along with mitochondria and endoplasmic newlinereticulum. Sertoli cell had large and irregularly shaped nucleus which had intranuclear newlinecleft. The prominent nucleoli of sertoli cell nucleus had a very dense and moderately newlinedense area. In the peritubular space layers of overlapping myoid cells was found. Within newlineseminiferous tubules cellular detailed of spermatogenic cells were observed. newlineAge related change observed with Testosterone hormone which increased with newlineincreased in age. T3 and T4 hormones were higher in younger age while Cortisol was newlinehigher in older groups. Among the haematological parameters significant changes was newlinefound in PCV, WBC, monocyte and neutrophils. ALP was the only serum enzyme which newlineshowed significant changes between age groups. Serum metabolites viz., total protein, newlinealbumin and creatinine showed significant changes among the differentage group. newline
Pagination: 153p.
Appears in Departments:Veterinary Anatomy & Histology

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