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Title: Investigations on performance enhancement of grid connected photovoltaic system
Researcher: Mariappan, D
Guide(s): Kalyani, S
Keywords: Computer Science
Computer Science Information Systems
Engineering and Technology
Photovoltaic system
Power generation
Renewable energy
University: Anna University
Completed Date: 2023
Abstract: From the earlier age of power generation, the power distribution newlinesystem requires an efficient load management unit. The renewable energy newlinesources have been included to increase the reliability, by increasing the power newlineproduction and reduces the cost of electricity. In most of the applications, the newlinesolar Photo-Voltaic (PV) system and wind turbine system have been used for the newlinedomestic power generation unit. The integration process requires an enhanced newlinecontrolling system to regulate the power at load end since some of load are newlinesensitive to the power distortion in the domestic applications. The power newlineelectronics devices, introduced in the architecture helps in controlling the current newlineflow, voltage level and frequency. This thesis work focuses on the analysis and newlinedesign of an model and controller system to regulate power to load in a grid newlineconnected PV system used for domestic applications. newlineThe proposed thesis work has been divided into four parts. First part newlinefocuses on the study and analysis of PV Module, in which failure model analysis newlineare done and the ways to extract maximum power from the PV module are newlineimplemented. In the second part various converter technologies are studied to newlinefind the suitable converter topology that can be implemented in Grid connected newlineapplication. newlineThe third part of the work aims in design and the implementation of newlineQuantum Angle Variant Optimization (QAVO) algorithm to tune the parameters newlineof PID controller according to the error signal. To provide the AC power to load, newlinethe boosted DC power is passed to the inverter stage. Total Harmonics newlineDistortion (THD) can make uncomfortable surge peaks to the load. This can be newlinereduced by using the Dynamic Integral and Derivative Prediction (DIDP) newlinemethod. These methods are implemented and compared with the existing newlinemethods of grid connected system newline
Pagination: xvi,114p.
Appears in Departments:Faculty of Information and Communication Engineering

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