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Title: The influence of augmented reality art for visual experience
Researcher: Abhijit Kumar Mohanty
Guide(s): Arjun Kumar Singh
Keywords: Art
Arts and Humanities
Arts and Recreation
University: Chitkara University, Punjab
Completed Date: 2023
Abstract: The massive technological advancements and popularization of handheld newlinedevices have created a significant impact. Now companies attract and retain their newlinecustomers by adopting different techniques. In the recent times Augmented Reality has newlinebeen crawling into our regular day, and into artistic and creative experiences, in the newlineform of different tangible and intangible products. It acts as a bridge between the two newlineworlds as it helps in binding data of the virtual world to the present reality. As with the newlineuse of augmented reality, the customer can get the digital look andfeel of the product and newlinethe companies are uplifting and profiting their sales by incorporating Augmented newlineReality based Apps with their products. This thesis will focus on the role of digital art newlineand artists in the technological advancement setting to create an innovative visual newlineexperience. It would also highlight the behavioral patterns of the user while using the newlinetechnology. The outcome of the study is taking a direction to strengthen the community newlineof traditional artists by incorporating technology into their work to showcase their talent newlineand to reach a wider audience. newline
Appears in Departments:Department of Fine Arts, Chitkara Design School

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