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Title: Factors Affecting Employee Retention and Job Satisfaction A Study on Academic Staff of Private Schools in Punjab
Researcher: Kaur, Ravinder
Guide(s): Kaur, Hardeep
Keywords: Economics and Business
Social Sciences
University: Chandigarh University
Completed Date: 2023
Abstract: Every organization is bound to face challenges related to their human capital. However, one of the most complex and critical challenges is to be able to retain the competent employees. Business establishments today are making consistent efforts towards retaining their employees because organizations today appreciate that employees are an important asset of any business and they are continuously attempting to generate an attractive employment variety for current workers while competing in a war for talent acquisition (Glen, 2006). newlineTo be able to achieve increasingly progressive levels of productivity and improved efficiency, job satisfaction is an important element, and thus, employee retention an even more significant element. The human resources departments across the board face multiple issues to retain the competitive talent within the organization and provide satisfaction to their employees. newline
Appears in Departments:Department of Business Management

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