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Title: comparative evaluation of lowl level laser therapy and transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation on postoperative sequelae in lower third molar surgery a randomised control clinical trial
Researcher: Vedha Vivigdha A
Guide(s): Santhosh Kumar M P
Keywords: Clinical Medicine
Clinical Pre Clinical and Health
Dentistry Oral Surgery and Medicine
University: Saveetha University
Completed Date: 2023
Abstract: Surgical removal of Third molar are associated with a number of post newlineoperative complications like swelling, trismus and pain.There are various newlinemethods adopted for controlling the pain, inflammatory response newlineassociated with the third molar surgery such as using different surgical newlineclosure techniques, with or without incorporation of drains, mouth newlinewashes, application of gels, gauze pack, steroids, ice packs, newlinepharmacotherapy like corticosteroids and antibiotics, physical newlinetherapeutic methods such as cryotherapy, TENS therapy and Low Level newlineLaser Therapy. A randomized clinical trial was conducted to compare the newlineefficacy of low level laser therapy (LLRT) and transcutaneous electrical newlinenerve stimulation (TENS) on postoperative sequelae in lower third molar newlinesurgery. newlineAim newlineTo evaluate the effectiveness of level laser therapy (LLRT) and newlinetranscutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) on postoperative newlinesequelae in lower third molar surgery. newlineMaterials and Methods newlineA randomized controlled clinical trial was performed in 72 patients newlineundergoing mandibular third molar removal. In the study group, 24 newlinePatients were given Low Level Laser Therapy (LLRT) and 24 patients were newline newline1 newlineAbstract newline newlinegiven Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS) postoperatively newlineafter third molar removal and in the control group 24 patients were given newlinecorticosteroids . Swelling (three point facial measurement scale), trismus newline(maximum interincisal opening), and pain (visual analog scale score) were newlineevaluated on immediate post operative, 3rd and 7th postoperative days. newline
Appears in Departments:Department of Dentistry

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