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Title: Designing and analyzing low complexity energy efficient visible light communication systems for IoT and UAV applications
Researcher: Anwar, Dil Nashin
Guide(s): Srivastava, Anand
Keywords: Engineering
Engineering and Technology
Engineering Electrical and Electronic
University: Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology, Delhi (IIIT-Delhi)
Completed Date: 2023
Abstract: IoT interconnect everyday objects via the internet, enabling them to send and receive data by transceivers embedded in it. The number of IoT devices is estimated to reach billions, contributing to half of the global connected devices and connections in the near future. This massive number of connected devices are employed in diverse domains and areas, such as smart cities, smart homes, hospitals, healthcare devices, industries, and transportation systems. Various IoT applications require a vast number of connections per unit area, high aggregate bandwidth, ubiquitous coverage, low power consumption, sustainable energy resources, low latency, low control overhead and a high level of security. With the advent of the emerging IoT paradigm, the already crowded RF spectrum is not expected to serve the projected several billions of IoT devices. A promising communication solution that can address these challenges is light communication.The exponentially increasing demand for wireless data with the onset of wireless devices and internet of things (IoT) everywhere has created scarcity in the radio frequency (RF) spectrum. The existing overcrowded RF spectrum has impelled the hunt for newer technologies. Visible light communication (VLC), having a large amount of unlicensed spectrum, is an emergent alternative technology to supplement the existing short-range wireless systems for faster data transmissions. VLC has numerous unrivalled potentials along with immunity to every day electromagnetic interference, for instance, low energy consumption, data confinement for higher-level security and cheaper installation with existing illumination infrastructure. However, owing to power and hardware limitations of the resource constrained devices (such as IoT and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs)), it requires simple, low power, low complex, energy-efficient communication technology. In this dissertation, we have tried to utilize VLC and red, green and blue (RGB) LED in order to support communication with resource-constrained.
Pagination: 225 p.
Appears in Departments:Electronics and Communication Engineering

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