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Title: Investigation of Quantum Liquid in Binary Bose instein Condensate at Lower Dimension
Researcher: Debnath, Argha
Guide(s): Khan, Ayan
Keywords: Physical Sciences
Physics Applied
University: Bennett University
Completed Date: 2022
Abstract: The study of Bose-Einstein condensation in lower dimensions is considered to have a newlineprominent role in understanding the fundamentals of many-body physics as they can be newlinetreated theoretically with relative ease and can be verified experimentally. Very recently, newlineobservation of a liquid-like state in a Bose-Einstein condensed mixture has been reported newlinealong with theoretical prescription for its observation in lower dimension. This observation newlineis unique and has serious ramification in our prevailing conception of the liquid newlinestate which has deep influence of Van der Waals theory. In explaining the self-bound nature newlineof these state, quantum fluctuations and it s fine balance with mean-field interaction newlineturns out to be playing a key role. Though the experiments are performed predominantly newlinein three-dimension however, theoretical studies extend to the lower dimensions as well. newlineThis thesis will mainly focus on analytical results related to this self- bound state in quasi newlineone-dimension environment. It explores few results starting from the family of cnoidal solutions newlineto droplet solutions with smooth transitions between each other and with a modest newlinediscussion about supersolid phase in between. newline
Appears in Departments:Department of Physics

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