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Title: Investigation of nanostructured spinel and 2d pnictogens based electrode materials for super capacitor applications
Researcher: Mohamed Ismail, M
Guide(s): Arivanandhan, M
Keywords: electrode materials
Engineering and Technology
Nanoscience and Technology
super capacitor
University: Anna University
Completed Date: 2023
Abstract: The environmental pollution and energy demand are the main newlineproblems for the present and future generations caused by depletion of fossil newlinefuels, global warming, and loss of biodiversity. The renewable energy newlinetechnologies like solar cells, wind energy, solar thermal collectors, newlinethermoelectric are the promising energy conversion technology with lower newlinecarbon foot print. Since, the energy conversion process from renewable newlineenergy sources are climate dependent, the produced energies have to be stored newlinein an effective way to utilize for later applications. Therefore, energy storage newlinedevices are highly imperative for effective utilization of renewable energy. newlineBatteries, capacitors, and super capacitors are the commonly used energy storage newlinedevices for various applications. Among others, Lithium ion battery is a widely newlineused energy storage device and its applications are limited because of lower newlinepower density, thermal runaway, usage of flammable electrolyte materials and newlinecomplex fabrication process. Super capacitor is a technically vibrant electrochemical energy newlinestorage device with high power density compared to other energy storage newlinedevices like batteries and capacitors. The super capacitor can be classified into newlinetwo types, based on the charge storage behavior of the electrode material. They newlineare electric double layer capacitor (EDLC) and pseudo capacitor. To improve the newlinestorage performance of the electrode material various strategies are employed, newlinesuch as surface functionalization, porosity enhancement, nanocomposite newlineformation and nanostructuring the electrode materials. The nanostructured newlineelectrodes have improved surface interactions, high surface-to-volume ratio, and newlinedifferent mean free paths for electron transport of each electrode which newlineresulted high electrochemical energy storage performance. Apart from the newlineelectrode materials, other components such as the electrolyte, current newlinecollector, binding material, and separators also play a critical role in newlinesuper capacitor storage capacity and performance newline newline
Pagination: p.151-172
Appears in Departments:Faculty of Technology

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