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Title: Impact of Employee Empowerment on Organisational Performance and Job Satisfaction
Researcher: Kumar,Rajender
Guide(s): Sondhi, Jyoti
Keywords: Arts and Humanities
Literary Reviews
University: Abhilashi University
Completed Date: 2023
Abstract: Employee empowerment is a philosophy or strategy specifically related to organisations that newlineprovide authority to employees to think, behave, make decisions and take actions through newlinesharing of power (Wasyluk, 2016) while employee engagement is the concept which depicts the newlinelevel of dedication and enthusiasm of employees towards their work. These are the HR buzzword newline103 newlinecarrying a widespread virtual existence. Both terms have an interrelationship with each other. newlineHowever, a properly implemented employee empowerment initiative resulted in reduced newlineemployee turnover and employee stress and improved job satisfaction. In other words, it can be newlinesaid that better-empowered employees are the strongly engaged ones. Although this study newlinenarrows the concept of employee empowerment by focusing on a few dimensions of employee newlineempowerment hence in future studies other dimensions of employee empowerment could be newlinetaken into account which may generate a more holistic view of employee empowerment and its newlineimpact on organizational performance. newlineMoreover, since the present study has considered the employees of FMCG and pharmaceutical newlinecompanies only further studies can be carried out on some other sectors including manufacturing, newlinebanking, telecommunication, insurance, educational, electronics etc. also to get more generalised newlineresults. newline
Pagination: All Pages
Appears in Departments:School of Management

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