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Title: Extraction phytochemical screening and comparative pharmacological evaluation of some indigenous plants for antiulcer activity
Researcher: Lalchand D. Devhare
Guide(s): Niharika Gokhale
Keywords: Clinical Pre Clinical and Health
Pharmacology and Pharmacy
Pharmacology and Toxicology
University: Oriental University
Completed Date: 2023
Abstract: In India peptic ulcer disease (PUD) has become a common disease. newlineEvery year, approximately 15,000 people die as a result of PUD. Antacids and antiulcer newlinemedications account for 6.2 billion rupees in the Indian pharmaceutical business, newlineaccounting for 4.3 percent of the market. Unfortunately, antiulcer drugs belonging to newlinedifferent categories have side effects and limitations. Based on the traditional application, newlinein the current study an effort is made to compare and evaluate the antiulcer property of herbs newlineused in tribal areas of Gadchiroli district of Maharashtra. Materials and Methods: The newlineplants which are selected for the study are- Cassia tora. Seeds, Pithocellobium dulce. Seed, newlineButea monosperma. Bark, Pongamia pinnata. Roots, Tephrosia purpurea. Roots, Mucuna newlineprurien. Seeds. The different solvent extracts were prepared and carried out for the newlinephytochemical test, TLC, Determination of total Phenolic Content, Determination of total newlinecontent of Phytoconstituent, Determination of alkaloid, Acid Neutralization Properties, InVitro Antimicrobial Activity, In silico anti-ulcerative activity evaluation of some bioactive newlinecompound from Cassia tora and Butea monospora through molecular docking approach, newlineIn-vivo Antiulcer Property, and GC MS Analysis. newlineXX newlineResult and Discussion: The initial phytoconstituent analysis exposed the occurrence of newlineseveral secondary metabolites of various extracts like, fat, amino acids, carbohydrates, newlineproteins oils, glycosides, tannins, alkaloids, terpenoids, steroids, and other Phenolic newlinecompounds. Among all the extracts produces promising antioxidant potential when newlinecompared with standard drug ascorbic acid by using DPPH and hydrogen peroxide method. newlineThree models such as pyloric ligation-mediated ulcer, Aspirin and alcohol-induced ulcer newlinemodel were analysed for the ulcerogenic activity of methanolic extract of Cassia tora. In newlinethe case of pylorus ligation, gastric volume, free and total acidity were observed in the newlinecontrol class. The extracts provided a significant reduction (plt0.05) in the ulcer score
Appears in Departments:Pharmacy

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