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Title: Synthesis and evaluation of hybrid nanocomposite materials for illumination devices
Researcher: Sharma, Kanupriya
Guide(s): Verma, Gaurav and Praveen Kumar
Keywords: Core/Shell Nanoparticles
Hybrid Nanocomposites
Illumination Devices
University: Panjab University
Completed Date: 2022
Abstract: The optical absorption spectrum and luminescence spectrum of the synthesized nanoparticles will be studied for selecting the highly luminescent nanoparticles for making the nanocomposites with the conjugated polymers. Attempts will be made to analyze the effect of shell thickness and nanocrystal concentration of core/shell nanocrystals on hybrid nanocomposites for their potential application in illumination devices. newline
Pagination: xv, 165p.
Appears in Departments:Department of Chemical Engineering

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