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Title: Design and development of artificial knee prostheses A Rehabilitation device
Researcher: Marisamy, P
Guide(s): Venkatachalam, R
Engineering and Technology
Engineering Mechanical
University: Anna University
Completed Date: 2022
Abstract: There are several millions of amputations occurring worldwide annually and lower extremity amputation covers the maximum of it. People with severe disabilities have fewer work opportunities, and governments in the developing nations do not show enough financial or technological support to assist them function normally in society. Therefore, it is significantly more difficult to lead a comfortable life with an amputation in developing countries than in a developed country. newlineIn developing countries, rehabilitation of amputees poses several challenges than amputees in developed countries. Although several modern prosthetics and assistive technologies have been developed for the countries of advanced economy in recent decades, relatively only a few of them have been viable for large-scale usage in developing nations due to radically diverse and complicated socioeconomic factors and limited resource circumstances. Individuals with lower limb prosthesis must reintegrate into their prior social and economic activities in order to be successfully rehabilitated. newlineProsthesis is an artificial device that is designed to replace a lost or severely damaged body part. A transfemoral prosthesis consists of a socket and suspension, a knee joint, and a foot component, all of which are assembled using pylons and connections. A prosthetic knee is the vital component in a transfemoral prosthesis which replaces the functional knee joint, through appropriate design it could deliver physical rehabilitation to the amputees and reestablish the ability to normal walk resulting in an improved quality of life. newline
Pagination: xxix,217p.
Appears in Departments:Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

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