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Title: Nutritional status and Dietary habits of Kashmiri women
Researcher: Nighat Nasreen
Guide(s): Khan, Nilofar and Imtiyaz Ali
Keywords: Nutrition-Diet-Habits-Kasmiri Women
Upload Date: 13-Oct-2015
University: University of Kashmir
Completed Date: 
Abstract: The present study conducted among women around their reproductive period on nutritional status dietary intake food habits and nutritional knowledge revealed that majority of Kashmiri Women marry at proper age 21 above years and observe family planning norms 2 or 3 children They newlinecontinue to live in joint families Both literacy status and working status is newlineon the rise newlineThe physiological condition of women influence the nutritional status because Indian mothers are pregnant too frequently malnourished anaemic and dying of causes which could have been easily prevented In newlineaddition in our society health and nutritional status of women are adversely newlineaffected by social cultural and economic system The present study is a cross sectional study which has been earned over a period of two and a half years covering urban as well rural women with the aim to obtain empirical information about Nutritional Status and newlineDietary Habits of Kashmiri Women
Appears in Departments:Institute of Home Science

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