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Title: An Analytical Study of Yoga Tourism with Wellness Tourism Market in India with Reference to Maharashtra
Researcher: Kamthe, Atul Kisan
Guide(s): Lahoti, Yuvraj
Keywords: Pranayama
University: Vishwakarma University
Completed Date: 2023
Abstract: The Hindu concept and practice of Yoga has been in existence for time immemorial. Yoga consists of a system of exercises that help a human being to achieve the perfect balance between the mind, body, and soul. Meditation involves praying and self-discipline. In the olden times, the yogis and sadhus practiced yoga and meditation as a way of life and as a means of attainment of self-discipline and salvation. The main object of yoga and meditation is to gain complete control over oneand#8223;s senses and consciousness. newlineThe tourism industry in India is taking a lot of initiative to promote this traditional form of physical exercise; in fact the practice of yoga in India has become quite commercialized. However, it is a known fact that, this niche approach of tourism has not yet been fully explored by tourism industry, result of which industry is losing an opportunity to skim more revenue. Thus, the present study will focus on tourist perspective, motives and their socio-demographic characteristics which will help tour operators to gain in depth information to explore the underserved arena.In view of above discussion, research proposes following objectives of the study: 1. To study Wellness Tourism Industry in India. 2. Impact of Yoga Tourism on Wellness Tourism. 3. To identify socio-demographic characteristics of yoga tourist. 4. To identify motivational factors influencing yoga tourist. 5. To recognize issues and challenges for yoga tourism. newline
Pagination: p. 138
Appears in Departments:Management

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