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Title: Synthesis characterization and applications of heteroaryl substituted azetidin 2 ones
Researcher: Yadav, Pooja
Guide(s): Bhalla, Aman
Keywords: Biological Applications
Monocyclic azetidin-2-ones
Spirocyclic azetidin-2-ones
University: Panjab University
Completed Date: 2023
Abstract: The present thesis consolidates the design, synthesis and characterization of diverse thiophene/indole hybrid azetidin-2-one derivatives. The C3-thiophenyl substituted spirocyclic azetidin-2-ones has been synthesized using I2/Br2 bombarded intramolecular sulfenyl-cyclization process in excellent yields. Next, C3-indolyl derived monocyclic azetidin-2-ones has been prepared using [2+2] cycloaddition reaction which were further converted into C3-(3-chloro-indolyl)-azetidin-2-ones. The DFT and molecular docking studies were explored for selected thiophenyl/indolyl derived azetidin-2-ones which showed the reliable interaction of azetidin-2-ones with targeted proteins of MRSA and E. coli species. The pharmacokinetic parameters of title compounds were also determined using in silico ADME analysis which revealed their good drug-likeness properties. Along with this, the in vitro antibacterial and antifungal behaviour of intended compounds was evaluated against bacterial/fungus species. The obtained results showed that these heterocyclic motifs embedded azetidin-2-ones exhibited better antibacterial profile against Gram-positive/Gram-negative strains. newline
Pagination: vii, 354p.
Appears in Departments:Department of Chemistry

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