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Title: Novel metrics for assessing the quality of Software requirements specification
Keywords: Computer Science
Computer Science Software Engineering
Engineering and Technology
University: Andhra University
Completed Date: 2023
Abstract: quotABSTRACT newlineThe success of a software project is dependent mainly on the software requirement newlinespecification (SRS) document quality. This serves as the medium of interaction with the newlinerequirements of user towards technical personnel responsible for software development. The critical newlineintent of this thesis is to develop distinct indicators and measures for stating the prominence of newlinespecified SRS for attaining qualitative outcomes of other (Software Development Life Cycle) phases. newlineThe thesis considered the metrics of IEEE standard for building distinct SRS quality evaluation newlinetechniques. newlineA systematic literature review associated to SRS quality evaluation techniques is performed. Most newlineof the studies are confined to addressing a limited number of characteristics. Addressing the SRS newlinequality evaluation based on all the eight good characteristics of the SRS as stated by the IEEE has newlinea scope for enhancement in the evaluation of the SRS quality, when compared with the existing newlinemodels. newlinequot newline newline
Pagination: 195 pg
Appears in Departments:Department of Computer Science & Systems Engineering

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