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Title: Development of Image Fusion Algorithm Using Wavelet Transform Method
Researcher: Richa
Guide(s): Sekhon, Karamjit Kaur and Singh, Priti
Keywords: Engineering
Engineering and Technology
Engineering Electrical and Electronic
University: Amity University Haryana
Completed Date: 2023
Abstract: Image fusion is a technique that is simpler yet more informative than the originals and avoids distortions. This is done mostly to increase image sharpness, contrast, overall clarity, enhanced characteristics and decrease image ambiguity. The necessity of image fusion is growing recently in image processing applications due to the tremendous amount of acquisition systems. They differ in whether the images are merged in the spatial domain or before being converted into another domain. The methods are grouped into different categories: Fusion in the space domain; fusion of frequency domain. In the last decade but the use of wavelets in image fusion has become a subject of attention among academics. This study attempts to compile a list of the various image fusion techniques currently in use. The evaluation of two or more images based on wavelet transform fusion is described in this research work. newline
Pagination: 113p.
Appears in Departments:Amity School of Engineering & Technology

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